

Friday, June 25, 2010

Communication Styles

For this post I have a fun activity for you, (well I think it's fun, maybe I'm just nerdy!) Yesterday at my communication class we took a survey to determine the style in which we communicate. I recreated the worksheet we did for you all to try. It's interesting. So before I tell you about my result I want you to do the worksheet, after you do it keep reading and I will tell you how to analyze your answers.
Below is a list of qualities divided into four columns. In column A keep a tally of all the traits you feel apply to you. After you have a total for column A do the same for columns B, C, and D. Once you have finished, determine which column was your lowest and which was the highest. Keep reading to see what it all means...
Column A
( ) Accepting
( ) accommodating
( ) agreeable
( ) apologetic
( ) concern for others
( ) considerate
( ) cooperative
( ) dependable
( ) dependent
( ) easy going
( ) empathetic
( ) friendly
( ) generous
( ) loyal
( ) people oriented
( ) quiet
( ) respectful
( ) self- Sacrificing
( ) sensitive
( ) sentimental
( ) supportive
( ) tender-hearted
( ) understanding
( ) unselfish
( ) yielding
_________ TOTAL
Column B
( ) action oriented
( ) aggressive
( ) ambitious
( ) authoritative
( ) commanding
( ) competitive
( ) controlling
( ) demanding
( ) decisive
( ) directive
( ) efficient
( ) forceful
( ) head strong
( ) hurried
( ) impatient
( ) independent
( ) leader
( ) opportunistic
( ) perfectionist
( ) persistent
( ) pioneering
( ) promotes action
( ) results oriented
( ) Strong willed
( ) task oriented
__________ TOTAL
Column C
( ) accurate
( ) cautious
( ) contemplative
( ) conventional
( ) deliberate
( ) detail oriented
( ) diplomatic
( ) disciplined
( ) exact
( ) guarded
( ) intellectual
( ) introverted
( ) logical
( ) methodical
( ) meticulous
( ) objective
( ) orderly
( ) patient
( ) practical
( ) precise
( ) rational
( ) reserved
( ) serious
( ) stuffy
( ) Systematic
________ TOTAL
Column D
( ) adventurous
( ) carefree
( ) changeable
( ) charming
( ) communicative
( ) creative
( ) dramatic
( ) enthusiastic
( ) excitable
( ) extroverted
( ) flashy
( ) humorous
( ) imaginative
( ) impulsive
( ) inspiring
( ) intuitive
( ) non- conforming
( ) opinionated
( ) outgoing
( ) outspoken
( ) playful
( ) reactionary
( ) restless
( ) risk taker
( ) talkative
________ TOTAL


Okay so if you scored high in Column A you are a RELATER. A relater wants to maintain relationships and fears confrontation. They work at a slow/easy pace and fears confrontation. Basically they are the ones that are always willing to listen and give advice, they are the ones people turn to for comfort.
If you scored high in Column B you are a DIRECTOR. Directors want to maintain success, they are the leaders. Under tension directors will dictate or assert. They work best in fast/decisive work spaces and strives for productivity. Directors fear loss of control and achieves acceptance by using their leaderships skills and competitive nature.
If you scored high in column C you are a THINKER. Thinkers are slow and systematic in their pace and seeks accuracy. Thinkers want to maintain credibility and are the folks who make sure every line is perfectly straight, they strive to be precise. They make deliberate decisions and fears embarrassment.
If you scored high in Column D you are a SOCIALIZER. Socializers enjoy a stimulating, personal, and friendly work space. The socializer is the one who always makes an entrance, they want all eyes on them when they walk into a room. Socializers are irritated by boredom and routine. Decisions are spontaneous and gains security by flexibility.

How did you score, respond to this post and let me know!!!

I was a socializer (not a big surprise!) I measure my personal worth by how much acknowledgment, recognition, and compliments I get. I don't think that is a bad thing, these things are just what motivate me. My lowest score was in the relater column. I need to work on caring more about what peoples feelings are and being more empathetic. Socializers are impatient and relaters are irritated by impatience, so I can see why they were my highest and lowest scores. I think this was an accurate activity and I hope you enjoyed it.

If you need more clarification on what each communication style means, let me know. Have a great night!